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What is a secure password? How do I create and remember one?

Find out what a secure password is, learn how to create one easily and memorize it effortlessly to protect your data online.
December 6, 2024 by
What is a secure password? How do I create and remember one?
Alban Saferbuy

Do you know what a secure password is? How to create and remember one?​

In a world where cyber-attacks are on the increase, the security of your online accounts depends above all on the strength of your passwords. But what is a secure password? How do you create and remember one? Here's a complete guide to protecting your personal data. ​

What is a secure password?​

A secure password is one that is difficult to guess, even in the event of an attempted attack by a hacker. It must meet several criteria: ​

  1. Length: Minimum 12 to 16 characters for optimum protection.​
  2. Complexity: Mix uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.​
  3. Uniqueness: Never re-use the same password on several sites or platforms.​
  4. No personal data: Avoid using obvious information such as your first name, date of birth or surname.​

How do I create a secure password?​

Here are some effective techniques for creating a strong password: ​

1. The phrase method​

Turn an easy-to-remember phrase into a password. For example: ​

  • Sentence: “I like to drink coffee at 8 o'clock in the morning!”​
  • Password : I8amdCt@!

2. Use a password generator​

Tools like LastPass or Dashlane can create random and complex passwords for each site.

3. Mix random elements​

Combine words with no logical connection, for example: ​


mot de passe sécurisé

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How can I remember them easily?​

Complexity can make memorization difficult, but there are tricks to help: ​

1. Password managers​

A password manager is your ally for storing and organizing your credentials in total security. ​

2. Create a custom base​

Use a formula that you adapt for each site. Example: ​

  • Base : MyBase2024!
  • Site : For Gmail : MyBase2024!Gmail

3. Use a mnemonic phrase​

Associate your password with a phrase you know well. For example: ​

  • Sentence: “My first car was red and fast in 2010.”​
  • Mot de passe : 1CrRed&F@ast10
mot de passe sécurisé astuce saferbuy

Why is a secure password so important?​

According to recent studies, 81% of data breaches are caused by weak passwords or reused. By protecting your access with strong passwords, you considerably reduce the risk of identity theft, data theft or fraudulent access to your bank accounts.

In brief​

Creating and remembering a secure password is not an insurmountable task. With the right techniques and a little discipline, you can effectively protect your personal data online. ​

Remember: your digital security starts with a good password. ​

Want to know more about online protection? Explore our other articles on​ for practical tips and advice.

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What is a secure password? How do I create and remember one?
Alban Saferbuy December 6, 2024


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