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How do you spot a Saferbuy-certified product?

Here are our tips for easily identifying a Saferbuy-certified product and buying safely online.
23. Oktober 2024 durch
How do you spot a Saferbuy-certified product?
Alban Saferbuy

How do you spot a Saferbuy-certified product?​

In the world of e-commerce, it's not always easy to know whether a product is of high quality and from a reliable source. Online scams and fake products are on the increase, and it's becoming crucial for consumers to know how to spot genuine, certified products. That's where the Saferbuy Label comes in. But how can you be sure that a product is Saferbuy-certified and therefore trustworthy?  

1. What is the Saferbuy Label?​

The Saferbuy label is a guarantee of quality and safety for online consumers. Every product certified by  Saferbuy goes through a rigorous testing process that evaluates quality, safety and compliance with current standards. By choosing Saferbuy-certified products, you can be sure that what you're buying meets your expectations and industry standards.​

2. Look for the Saferbuy trustmark on the product page​

The easiest way to spot a Saferbuy-certified product is to check whether it displays the Saferbuy label on its product page. This label is usually prominently displayed to indicate that the product has passed Saferbuy's quality and safety checks. ​

Why is this important?​

Les produits certifiés Saferbuy sont testés selon des critères stricts. Le logo Saferbuy signifie que vous pouvez avoir confiance dans le produit et que vous évitez les mauvaises surprises liées aux achats en ligne.

Read also: How does our label guarantee the security of your online purchases?

3. Check Saferbuy license number​

Chaque produit certifié Saferbuy possède un numéro de licence unique qui est affiché directement sur la page produit. Ce numéro vous permet de vérifier en quelques secondes si le produit est authentiquement certifié.

What to do?​

  1. Visit the Saferbuy website.​
  2. Enter the license number in the"License Search".
  3. One click and you'll know whether the product is Saferbuy certified. You can also consult the evaluation report and see the final grade awarded.​

4. Look for the secure redirect link to the official store ​

L’une des autres manières de vous assurer que vous achetez un produit certifié Saferbuy est de suivre le lien sécurisé présent sur la page d’évaluation du produit. Ces liens redirigent les consommateurs vers la boutique officielle de la marque. Cela vous protège des sites frauduleux ou des imitations, car vous êtes redirigé vers un site vérifié et sécurisé.

Why use these links?​

They help you avoid scams and fake sites that imitate legitimate brands. By using the secure link provided by Saferbuy, you can be sure you're buying from the right website. ​

How Saferbuy makes online shopping easier?​

The Saferbuy label is a valuable asset for consumers wishing to make safe online purchases. By identifying the Saferbuy label, checking the license Number, and by using the secure links provided on the evaluation reports, you are assured of purchasing quality, tested and approved products.

Avant de finaliser vos achats, prenez quelques secondes pour vérifier que vos produits sont certifiés Saferbuy. Avec cette simple démarche, vous éviterez les mauvaises surprises et contribuerez à un e-commerce plus transparent et sécurisé.

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How do you spot a Saferbuy-certified product?
Alban Saferbuy 23. Oktober 2024


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